I’m glad you’re here…
I want you to find happiness in the chaos and the clutter. As a disorganized, creative, scattered, homeschooling mother of seven, including five with Special Needs, I spent years feeling like I wasn’t measuring up to the “perfect” moms I knew.
I would walk around my house, stepping over toys, crunching a dry Cheerio underfoot, passing by a pile of papers, and trying to ignore the mountain of laundry that seemed to grow by the second, and I would feel like a failure. I felt overwhelmed and stressed out and sometimes was grouchy with my kids as a result, only adding to my feelings of guilt.
I tried every organizational system in the book, but mastered none. I was letting the best years with my children slip away and was determined that if I could not change the state of the house, at least I could change my attitude.
At The Chaos and The Clutter, I share with you some of my small victories. I am real. I tell the truth about the imperfect parent that I am. I hope that this will be a place where people can be their true “mismatched socks because there weren’t any clean ones” selves!
My everyday life is never ordinary. Most days, I still feel like I am drowning in the busyness! I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I will share anything that has helped me, anything that hasn’t, and the humorous moments in between.
Another type of clutter that I am trying to get rid of is financial clutter. There is just no happiness to be found there! We are trying to climb out of debt and I will also share those tips I learn along the way.
I hope that you will join me in trying to find the blessings and the joy in among the chaos and the clutter!
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