Our homeschool room was made last year. We tore out the carpet and painted the floor, painted the walls, moved in some bookcases and cupboards, and decorated the walls with Peel Monkey decals (I love Peel Monkey!).
This year, the room is staying much the same except that I have decided to use workboxes with the two six year olds so I picked up three colourful storage units for that. I have the feeling that the nine year olds are also going to want to do workboxes, so I may have to get even more down the line, but for now, this is how it sits.
Those are the workbox bins. I have never done workboxes before, but was inspired by Jen over at Chestnut Grove Academy and am going to give it a try. I think my bins aren’t deep enough for some things, but these were on sale and I like the amount of bins and that the colours will make organization easier.
Above the workbox bins is our world map and our time zone clocks. We have one for Ethiopia, one for our province, and another for Nova Scotia, where friends of ours live.
This wall graphic of Africa with a cutout of Ethiopia (the birth country of two of our children and where a piece of our hearts will always be) is also courtesy of Peel Monkey.
The reading corner is a favourite in the room with all the kids. That bean bag chair gets a lot of use!
Other than that, I changed the quotes on the wall and of course, did a massive clean-up and de-cluttering of the room. I should have taken “before” photos because there were piles of paper and books everywhere and the bookshelves were a jumbled mess. They should last in their current organized state for at least a few days!
We are planning on doing several unit studies this year and we are starting off with one on Penguins and one on The Body. I have set up some things for each of the themes in the room such as books, models, and toys.
I’m looking forward to catching a glimpse of other people’s homeschool spaces!