This week, we featured the letter “C”. There are some great books that happen to start with the letter “C” which made this week a lot of fun. Monday, we read “Click Clack Moo; Cows That Type” and did some corresponding activities.
Tuesday, we read “If You Give a Cat a Cupcake” and did some corresponding activities, including of course making and decorating our own cupcakes!
Wednesday, we read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and did lots of corresponding activities.
In Story of the World this week, we continued to read about Julius Caesar and the Romans. Â We made crowns out of leaves. Â (incidentally, crown also happens to start with the letter “c”!)
After reading about how the Celts used to measure their height using their own foot, the kids traced their feet and I measured each of them using that foot cutout and then measured them with an actual measuring tape.
With the Celts system of measurement, Einstein and Dancing Queen are the same height! Â It was easy to see the flaws with this system and we were able to discuss why a standard measurement was better!
This week’s Sensory Bin was a bit boring, but oh well! Â I filled it with things from around the house that start with the letter “C”…chocolate chips (those didn’t last the week!), a crab, cat, cow, camera, cell phones, cars, clip, coat, clothes, caterpillar, centipede, cockroach, corn, cup, crayons, chicken, candles, cork, cabbage, clothespin.
The kids put on an impromptu rendition of the play “Snow White”:
My kids love to put on performances!
I “caught” the kids playing Addition Bingo two times this week…always nice to see!
Another great moment this week was when Miss Optimism surprised me by doing her sisters’ hair. Â Here they are with the finished looks:Â
Of course, the kids also did some Math U See, Apologia Science, continued our Penguin study, worked on Obedience lapbooks, and went to gymnastics class. Â All in all, it was a great week!
If you are looking for information on making sensory bins, you may be interested in my book.