We are loving doing Easter crafts. The kids are planning to decorate the house for our annual Easter bash. So far, they have their Tape Resist Easter Crosses ready to hang up and they were eager to create something else to add to the decor.
To create these, you will need:
- paper (we used fingerpaint paper)
- paint (we used acrylics)
- paintbrushes
- bubble wrap
- scissors
I bought our bubble wrap and fingerpaint paper at the dollar store which made this a very inexpensive project as well.
I cut the bubble wrap into squares. We began with the full papers. The kids painted the squares of bubble wrap using paintbrushes and then stamped them onto their papers. Some of the younger kids had a hard time managing to hold the square of bubble wrap and paint it at the same time so I painted for them and they stamped.
After the paint dried, we cut the papers into the shape of large Easter eggs. It was a challenge for some of my sensory seeking kids not to give in to the temptation to press down too hard and pop the bubbles in the bubble wrap! They waited until we were finished with the squares before they gave in to the urge to pop all the bubbles.
If you are looking for other Easter ideas, you may be interested in following my Easter board on Pinterest.