Have you ever had those times when you are trying to get out the door for an appointment that you are late for and one of the kids says they need to go to their room and get their socks? Frustrating, isn’t it?!
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I had many of those times over the years and finally came up with a solution that solves that problem as well as another problem we were having. The other issue was that no matter what I did, I had some kids who seemed to have an abundance of socks in their drawer while others were often complaining that they had no clean socks.
Enter the sock bin. The sock bin is just what it sounds like. It’s a bin that I keep by the back door because that’s where the kids’ shoes are and that’s the door we usually go out of and it is filled with socks.
How the sock bin saves time:
- When putting away socks, I don’t have to put socks into kids’ drawers. All the socks go into one place. No more figuring out which socks belong to which child. No more going up and down the stairs to put them into kids’ rooms.
- No running to rooms to find socks. The socks are located right by the shoes near the door that we go out. They can sit down right there and put the socks on their feet before slipping their shoes or boots on.
- I can see at a glance if we are running low on socks. There is also not an issue anymore with one child not having socks and another having extras. All the socks in the sock bin are communal socks, so there is no arguing over whose are whose.
It is really easy to set up your own sock bin. You can use a large Rubbermaid container, a wicker or fabric bin that slides into an organizer unit, a toy box, a plastic or metal trash bin, hidden inside a bench seat, or any other holder that will suit the space available. Be sure to place it near the door where you most commonly exit your home. Next, gather up all the clean socks, dump them in and you are ready to explain the new sock system to your kids!
This simple parenting trick has saved time and stress in our house. It’s one of those life hacks that makes me wonder why I didn’t start it sooner!
And what about those socks that despite my best efforts still lose their pair or end up with holes in them? Here are some of the things we do with all those single socks.
If you are looking for more time-saving and helpful tips, you may be interested in saving my Parenting board on Pinterest.
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What to Do with All Those Single Socks
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