Have you ever wanted to see the cariboo migration in the North or visit a chocolate museum? How about watching thousands of snakes emerge from their dens or discovering Al Capone’s secret tunnels? Did you know that you can have tea with Eleanor Roosevelt?
From a Gopher Museum to Anne of Green Gables to the battle at the Plains of Abraham, see what Canada has in store for you.
Discover Canada’s history, culture and natural wonders through hands-on experiences and adventures. Use the book as a travel guide, a field trip planner, or as a virtual tour in a study of Canada.
The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips in Canada is 75 Pages with almost 600 links that allow you to experience Canada as never before.
With almost 600 field trips included, this truly is The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips in Canada!
 75 Pages for only $5.99
The Ultimate Guide to Field Trips in Canada is also available on Kindle, Kobo, and Nook.
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