This gross motor dinosaur action cube is a fun way for kids to work on their gross motor skills and get valuable sensory input. This activity requires very few supplies and can be done anywhere.
You can use the dinosaur action cube indoors or outdoors. Kids of many ages can participate. This is a fun rainy day or snow day activity because it gets the whole body engaged. Kids explore their movements and imaginations as they hatch, tromp, charge, fly, and munch like the dinosaurs of the past.
I love how these activities can be paired with a dinosaur unit. When we combine full body movements with learning, kids are more likely to remember. Participating in these gross motor activities is also a great brain break for them which makes learning more effective as well. This can be used in the classroom, at home, or in your homeschool.
Dinosaur Action Cube:
Supplies needed:
- free download of the dinosaur action cube
- scissors
- tape or glue
- Print.
- Cut around the outside.
- Fold along the fold lines.
- Tape or glue into a cube.
- Students can take turns to roll the cube and act out the action indicated.
You can also take the activity one step further by having them read about each of the dinosaur types on the cube or having them draw that species. There are so many possibilities.
Just enter your email in the box below to get your dinosaur action cube and let the learning begin!
The actions engage the student’s sensory systems as well as work on gross motor skills. With these actions, they are able to get visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular sensory input. I enjoyed seeing my kids’ interpretations of the dinosaurs. Some kids also like to add their own sound effects. We may not know exactly what dinosaurs sounded like, but my kids did some pretty convincing impressions!
Check out these other dinosaur learning activities: