This lightweight ABC I Spy sensory bottle provides all kinds of learning opportunities. The colours are engaging. This provides great sensory play for preschoolers.
ABC I Spy Sensory Bottle:
- plastic Voss water bottle
- tinsel*
- ABC beads
- water
- Super glue, optional
*You can often find tinsel at the Dollar Store or in the party decoration section of a department store.Â
- Add tinsel to an empty plastic bottle with a wide mouth. There is no right or wrong amount of tinsel, but you do want to fill the bottle pretty well.
- Add the alphabet beads into the bottle.
- Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Using a funnel makes this part easier.Â
- Secure the lid and play!Â
Note: If you are intending to use this sensory bottle with small children, seal the lid with super glue before screwing the lid back on. You will need to give the super glue 15 minutes to dry before giving it to a child.
Learning Objectives:
Sensory – describe how the bottle feels (light, heavy, etc). Describe visual observations. Shake this bottle – what sounds does it make, how does the tinsel swirl, etc.
Math/Science Skills – Count the beads, observe and describe how the tinsel interacts with light, make one of these bottles without using water and make a hypothesis in how you think they will differ and then compare/contrast. Literacy – Identify the letters, name words with the same beginning sounds as you spot letters, rhyme words to the colour of the bead that starts with the letter on the bead.
Social Skills – take turns sharing the bottle. Practice phrases like “my turn”, “your turn”, “go”, and “stop”.
Fine Motor – Let kids push the tinsel into the bottle and pinch up the beads to add them into the bottle.
Language Skills – have kids use descriptive language to explain what the tinsel looks like and what they are experiencing. Practice pragmatic language for rules on how to use the sensory bottle and how to share the sensory bottle (informing, demanding, stating, and requesting).
Check out these preschool sensory bottles:
Colour Mixing Sensory Bottle Rainbow Rainfall Sensory BottleÂ
Space Sensory BottleÂ