Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends. It’s about getting together, eating great food, and making memories. But for some kids, any holiday or change in routine can bring with it a variety of feelings. These November Emotions Printables invite kids to explore their emotions about Thanksgiving, visiting relatives, and the day to day.
November Copywork Emotions Sentences:
I firmly believe that teaching emotions is even more important than teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Children need to develop a real understanding of emotions and know how to express their own. These November emotions printing practise worksheets allow kids to work on their printing while learning about emotions.
These copywork pages allow students to explore emotion words and associate the images with the corresponding feeling. This expands their emotional vocabulary.
Supplies needed:
- November Emotions printables
- pen or pencil OR
- plastic sleeve AND dry erase marker
Download the printable pages. If you want to make them reusable, laminate the pages or slip them into a plastic page protector. Students can then use a dry erase marker to complete the tracing and writing.
If these are for a one time use, give the student a pencil, crayons, coloured pencils, or markers and the printed papers.
Instructions for the student:
- Read the sentence.
- Fill in the outline.
- Trace the dotted words.
- Write the sentence on the lines provided.
- Discuss the various emotions.
These worksheets can be the jumping off point for a class discussion or one-on-one talk about different emotions.
November Feelings Log:
Keeping a daily log of feelings helps kids to examine their emotions. It also allows them and their teacher or parents to analyze any patterns they see emerging when looking back through the log.
Doing this quick daily exercise is also a great jumping off point to help kids to talk about their emotions and most importantly, get to the root of why they are feeling the way they are.
I believe in teaching emotions with as much zeal and intention as we teach reading, writing, and math. It is with that belief that I create opportunities for children to learn about emotions and to put that into practise.
I’ve put together a special Feelings Log for November (please note that it does contain two questions about Thanksgiving, so if you’re Canadian, this may be more appropriate to use with your child or student in October). It includes a writing prompt, a drawing prompt, and weekly tracking sheet of “Today I feel” along with adorable pumpkin faces to use to help them express their emotions.
Supplies needed:
- printed Feelings Log pages (download here)
- scissors
- markers, pencil crayons, or crayons
- pencil or pen
Simply enter your email below to download these November Emotions Printables. You can use this with your child at home or print it off to use with your students in the classroom.