Using this simple bug action cube, kids can work on their gross motor skills and get that all important sensory input. It also of course gives them something to do. This activity can be done inside or outside and is easy to set up.
This is a great (and inexpensive) way for kids to burn off energy. If you do an insect learning unit in your classroom or homeschool, it’s also a cute addition to your unit study. You can also pair this cube with our Bug Action Cards.
If you use the cube as part of an insect unit study, one way to expand the learning is to have your child read or research or draw each of the bugs represented.
Bug Action Cube:
Supplies needed:
- paper
- printer
- Bug Action Cube (download that here)
- scissors
- glue or tape
- Download the action cube.
- Print it out.
- Cut it.
- Fold along the dotted lines into a cube and glue or tape to attach.
- Have your child roll the cube and follow the instructions on the side that it lands on.
Sensory and learning opportunities:
- exercise (endorphins, improved mood, health)
- reading
- gross motor practise
- improving communication skills
- engaging the visual, tactile, and proprioceptive sensory systems
- crossing the midline
- provide a brain break
Breaking up schoolwork or screen time by providing a quick five minute brain break like this can actually make a significant difference in focus and concentration. These activities involve whole body movement so they are a wonderful reset to mood as well. You’ll be amazed the difference in your child after just a short brain break like this.
Add your email address to the box below to access your free Bug Action Cube to print off.
You may be interested in these other gross motor activities for kids: