We’ve been stuck inside only able to do indoor sensory activities but now it’s finally warmed up enough to spend some time outside. That means we can finally add these easy outdoor sensory activities to our days. We are so looking forward to getting some fresh air.The kids have already begun exploring in the trees and enjoying the sunshine. It has done wonders for their mood now that they aren’t as cooped up anymore.
This is one of my favourite activities as it keeps the kids busy for hours. There are so many fun ways to play with bubbles and this is a great homemade recipe to use. Playing on a trampoline is good for kids' moods and health. These trampoline games are great fun. These bug action cards give kids ideas for practising their gross motor skills while getting fresh air. As kids explore outside, they can collect items to create their own unique sensory bottle. Pour, dump, scoop, and stir with this sensory soup. Nature meets art in this sensory rich weaving project. Ewwww! This is so sticky and messy, but kids completely love it! Even toddlers can participate in creating art with this taste-safe "paint". Big movements and lots of interaction is required for this cool art activity. There are only a few simple supplies needed to make this calming sensory bin for kids. Older kids will enjoy exploring outdoors in a photo scavenger hunt. Bubble wrap body slam painting is as hilarious to watch as it is to do. Great proprioceptive sensory input too! Shaving cream painting is a neat alternative to sidewalk chalk. Use your empty toilet paper rolls to create a bird feeder. Then watch as the birds come to eat. This is so easy to set up, but the best ideas usually are. My kids always love this game. Summer, sensory, and science combine for this ooey-gooey gorgeous flower oobleck. A mess free nature sensory bin for toddlers and siblings to do together. Gather materials outside, freeze them, and make a nature soup that will help kids cool down on a hot day as they mix their nature soup together! Exploring the sense of touch with the toes in a sensory walk! Create a real nature theme sensory bin to explore the senses! Go on a nature hunt and collect materials to build an outdoor sensory bin. Make sure to talk with your kiddo about all the smells, textures, and items found in nature. Make your own sand or water table using PVC pipes. There are so many play opportunities with this. Make your own outdoor mud kitchen for messy exploration. Make some "homemade" sensory soup using weeds or herbs from the garden. Pretend play doesn't have to be complicated. How about some good old fashioned mud soup? Easy Outdoor Sensory Activities at Home
Other easy ideas for outdoor sensory activities you can do at home:
- make mud pies
- water balloons or an old fashioned water fight
- obstacle course – Use anything you have on hand such as hula hoops, slides, wood, pallets, tunnels, pool noodles, chairs, and tires.
- jump rope
- relay races
- sprinkler, kiddie pool, or Slip ‘n’ Slide
- tag
- yard work – Great for proprioception and for teaching good work ethic! Think raking, mowing (for kids who are old enough), picking rocks, and carrying firewood or bricks.
- dig in the sandbox
- gardening – digging, planting, pulling weeds, and picking are all great tactile sensory input.
- bike rides
- hikes or nature walks
- family campfire
- tree climbing
- interval circuit – set up exercise stations in the yard with signs like “10 Jumping Jacks”, “1 Run Around the Yard”, “10 Supermans” (my kids loved this activity!)
Of course as with all sensory activities, adult supervision should be used.
In case the weather doesn’t cooperate, you can find a great list of indoor sensory activities for home here.